Soon we will be leaving our current practice location at the Rhijngeesterstraatweg. From the 4th…
Your own pregnancy statuette!
From May 2024 Tamara from Studio Tadyke will start making 3D pregnancy statuettes at our practice.
We would like to introduce you to Tamara:
”Hey! I am Tamara. Spontaneous, a perfectionist, and sometimes a little stubborn. My passion for creativity and fascination for pregnancy have inspired me to make these statuettes. It is so special to capture this moment for you!
Pregnant, just given birth, trained a lot, lost a lot of weight, surgery, be proud (again) of your body… There are of course a lot of reasons why you would want a body statuette. For all reasons you are more than welcome. You deserve to be eternalized!”
Have a look at the website and plan your appointment!