Personal and expert care
We are a solid team of four experienced midwives who will be there for you. We purposely keep our practice small-scale because we want to get to know you and have the opportunity to provide you with enough time and attention. We strive to provide custom medical and psychological guidance during the pregnancy, the delivery, and the transition to parenthood. It is our priority to be easy approachable and provide personal attention and guidance.
If desired, we offer extended care according to the Centeringmethod. This is an alternative form of care compared to regular consultations, which gives scientifically proven better outcomes.
The area we work in is Oegstgeest, including Nieuw-Rhijngeest, and extends to Leiden and the towns bordering on Oegstgeest: Warmond, Rijnsburg, and Valkenburg.

High-quality ultrasounds
You can obviously come to us for ultrasound scans during your pregnancy. If you would like to know which scans are reimbursed by your insurance company, click here.
In order to be able to measure and screen your child properly, we consider it important to perform scans of optimal quality. This is why we have our ultrasound scans performed by Verloskundig Centrum de Poort, the regional ultrasound centre in Leiden. Nearby our practice. High-quality ultrasound scans are performed here by experienced professionals using the best equipment, which guarantees quality.

We offer to send you a pregnancy update e-mail every week detailing your child’s growth, including reliable advice and information on the current stage of your pregnancy.
We also provide informationl evening sessions which you can attend free of charge: a session about parenthood, a session about pain relief options, and a session about the delivery and the postpartum period. These informational sessions are meant to help you to be as well-prepared as possible for the arrival of your child.
On this page you can find all kind of other pregnancy courses / birth classes in our region.

Fun extras!
You can view your pregnancy details online with the Orfeus B.V. ‘Zwanger!’ app. This allows you to have access to your pregnancy record sheet at all times.
Willemieke Priester facilitates a one-day birthing course in our practice, read more information here.
Monthly consultation hour by Eline (lactation consultant IBCLC) for your questions regarding breastfeeding during the pregnancy or in the first six weeks after birth.
Jolanda is certified as coach, you can book coaching sessions with her.

Breastfeeding support
Breast milk is the best food for babies. Our practice bears the Baby-friendly certification. This means that the high quality of our care and advice regarding breastfeeding has been verified.
It is our objective to inform you well, to ensure a uniform approach to procedures, and to remain abreast of the latest knowledge. In addition, one of the midwives, Eline Schaake, is also a lactation consultant. You can approach her if you have any questions about breastfeeding or need extra guidance once the baby is born. There is a monthly consultation hour on wednesday.

Evening consultation
We have a weekly evening consultation which will make it easier to make an appointment and which provides you with more chances of getting together to the check-ups. Appointments early in the day and towards the end of the afternoon are also an option.
You will receive electronic confirmation of the appointments that you make with us.

during birth can be felt
throughout the room.
It is an honor to experience
this again and again.


for me. I am committed to
give your wishes a voice.


woman and her partner in this
special period of their lives
inspires me.


pregnancy and childbirth,
and especially at the
strength of the woman
giving birth.


Positive pregnancy test?
Register easily online for our prenatal, natal and postnatal care!
Centering Pregnancy
Great news! From November 2024 we start with Centering Pregnancy! Centering Pregnancy is a form of midwifery care where we…
Your own pregnancy statuette!
From May 2024 Tamara from Studio Tadyke will start making 3D pregnancy statuettes at our practice. We would like to…
Moving to new location
Soon we will be leaving our current practice location at the Rhijngeesterstraatweg. From the 4th of December our new address…

1 month / 0-8 weeks
Because the actual fertilisation only takes place after the first two weeks, you will actually have been been pregnant for just six weeks at eight weeks of pregnancy. The baby’s cells divide rapidly in the first few weeks, while the fertilized egg settles comfortably in the uterine wall. The baby’s heart begins to beat around the sixth week. Your uterus starts to grow. You might have a slight cramping sensation in your lower abdomen because of this.
2 months / 8-12 weeks
During the second month of your pregnancy you might experience the first symptoms of the changes in your body. Nausea, painful breasts, and tiredness are the most common pregnancy symptoms, although some women don’t have any symptoms at all. Your baby’s heart now beats very fast, often at a rate of more than 160 beats per minute. During the pregnancy this will drop to a rate of between 110 and 160 beats per minute.
3 months / 12-16 weeks
The first trimester is over. The baby’s extremities and internal organs are now formed: from now on, your baby only has to grow and mature. The placenta has completely taken over the function of the yolk sac; the nutrients for the baby’s growth are transported to the baby through the umbilical cord.
4 months / 16-20 weeks
During the fourth month you will usually start to feel better: you will have more energy and fewer ailments. Some women can already feel the baby move. On average, women start to feel their babies move at 20 weeks of pregnancy. The movements are experienced differently by everyone. Descriptions we often hear are ‘pops’, ‘stroking from within’, or ‘bubbly intestines’.
5 months / 20-24 weeks
You are halfway through your pregnancy! Your baby has by now almost reached half his or her birth height, and still has a long way to go in terms of weight. In this stage of the pregnancy a baby gains about 50-100 grams per week. And is constantly in motion! At this point a baby moves about 200 times a day, but you will not feel all of it.
6 months / 24-28 weeks
During the sixth month your baby along with your belly often undergo a growth spurt. The baby is now viable. Hearing is completely developed, so you might notice that the baby reacts to sounds. And your breasts are preparing for breastfeeding. They can grow several sizes during the pregnancy. Sometimes they can even leak some fluid, which is quite normal.
7 months / 28-32 weeks
In the seventh month there is often a lot of activity in your belly. Because the muscles are more developed, you feel the movements getting stronger. There is now enough space and relatively speaking also a lot of amniotic fluid in this period, which allows the baby to move freely. The baby can often have hiccups from swallowing amniotic fluid. At around this moment in the pregnancy you might start having some ailments again: heartburn, sleeping badly, and hip pain is what we hear about the most.
8 months / 32-36 weeks
In this period the pregnancy (and your belly!) often becomes quite cumbersome. Your baby now gains about 200-250 grams a week on average. Your belly starts getting in the way and the baby’s movements can often be painful or leave bruises on your belly. Most babies’ heads enter the pelvis at this stage. This can be accompanied by shooting pain around the pubic bone or erratic cramping pain in your lower abdomen.
9 months / 36-40 weeks
De laatste loodjes… De baby bereidt zich voor op het leven buiten de baarmoeder. De bewegingen van de baby kunnen veranderen in kleine schuif- of draaibewegingen, belangrijk is dat de frequentie van de bewegingen onveranderd blijft. Je lichaam bereidt zich ook voor: je hebt sneller harde buiken en je kunt ook voorweeën krijgen. En goed om te weten: slechts 4% van de baby’s wordt op de uitgerekende datum geboren!